lørdag den 9. april 2011

United States Of America

  1. Indians - What Columbus called the americans 
  2. The City That Never Sleeps - theres always people in the streets in NYC
  3. The Most Popular City In The World - New York is the coolest and the most popular city ion the world
  4. Statue - The Statue Of Liberty is a statue France gave USA as a gift.
  5. The White House - the white house is where the president lives.
  6. Lincohn - The first president of United States Of America
  7. Martin Luther King - The american Nelson Mandela
  8. Hollywood - The biggest movie city in the world
  9. Universal Studio - A Famous film studio in Florida
  10. Central Park - The National Park in New york
  11. Barack Obama - The first black president of usa
  12. Solvang - A danish city in usa 
  13. Key West - The Southernmost place in USA

South Africa

South Africa is a big country in Africa. South Africa is a very poor country. They have gold and alot of nature! Theres many villages. They had problems in 1948 to 1991. They had apartheid which is a period where the whites treated the blacks like animals, they couldn't share anything. Because the whites were a little afraid of the blacks they thought that all the blacks where sick and stuff like that. That were their explanation of why they where black.

Who is Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandelas real name is ''Rohilhalha'' which means 'the troublemaker' Nelson Mandela Fought against apartheid. Apartheid was when blacks and whites couldn't share anything because the whites didn't like the blacks, and treatted them like animals. Nelson Rohilhalha Mandela was a village prince, and when he didn't want to marry a girl his parents picked for him, he ran away from his village and started on a university, he became a lawyer, and he hold speeches around in johannesburg. He became the leader of ANC (Africa National Congress) He had a nonviolent politic and that didn't go well. So they did some more violent demostrations. The Police arrested him for 27-28 years. He came in jail on the Roland Island. When he came out again Apartheid kinda stopped because he didn't stop fighting against it. He talked with the whites, and they asked the people "who should be the president of the counrty?" everyone could vote even the blacks! And the whites and the blacks where in the same line which they weren't use to.

mandag den 4. april 2011


Apartheid: Apartheid was an 'episode' in South Africa from 1948 to 1994. The Boers (Dutch) and The English wanted to own South Africa. So the whites Wanted the black, Indian and the coloureds out of the country. In dutch apartheid means living apart and they did live apartheid. The whites didn't wanna have anything to do with the blacks. They didn't share bathroom or toilet, they didn't share the bus. The blacks had thier own bus which was a terrible bus-drive.

Segregation: Segregation is a synonym for Apartheid it means 'beeing taking apart'

Discrimination: discrimination is another word for rascisme, i think..... Discrimination is when you're White and dont won't to be together or beeing seen with a black.